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Chandigarh Congress workers climb atop office’s roof to protest I-T notice

The workers of Chandigarh Congress climbed atop the roof of their party office in Sector 35 on Saturday to protest against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) following a notice from the income tax (IT) department, asking it to pay ₹1,823 crore.
Calling it an attempt to “systemically thwart India’s democracy” by making attempts to freeze the Congress party’s bank account, Chandigarh Congress president HS Lucky, along with party workers, climbed the rooftop of the party’s office in Sector 35 and raised slogans against the BJP by waving black flags.
Lucky said it is highly unfair that the income tax department has reopened the cases of the last eight years, which had earlier been duly assessed. “This was done deliberately to starve the Congress party of funds required to fight ensuing Lok Sabha elections. By indulging in such tax terrorism on the principal opposition party, the BJP is attacking democracy. Such desperate action by the BJP also indicates that the saffron party is fast losing ground in the country and is likely to be voted out of power in the coming elections,” he added.
The Congress has decided to continue their protests against the BJP for misusing the central agencies to stifle the voice of Opposition parties in the country.
